
How to Wash Our Hands Properly?

Hello, Guys! I made a video about how to wash our hands properly. Make sure to watch it and let's keep ourselves safe from virus! Here's the link: Don't forget to share it to your friends! :D

f u t u r e p l a n s

 Aye, Blog. It's been a while. I want to tell you my plans for my future. What I do want to be and how I am going to achieve it. Okay, so, I am currently studying as an eleventh grade student. I really want to go abroad to study in my high school years. So, I am actively looking for scholarships and exchanges to foreign countries at the time. Also, I am planning to improve my skills throughout these years, like, drawing skills by attending a course, and soft skills by joining school organizations. If I do not get the chances to go abroad, I am just going to graduate here. After I graduated, I want to enrol abroad through scholarships. I want to take art major or psychology major. If I still do not get the chances to go abroad, I want to attend Faculty of Art and Design of Bandung Institute of Technology or Psychology of University of Indonesia. Throughout this time, I still want to improve my drawing skills and soft skills by joining university organizations. I might do business by

suggestion and offer dialogue

Eli: *sigh* Rana: "What's wrong, Eli?" Eli: "I haven't found an extracurricular for me to join." Rana: "Oh, why?" Eli: "I don't know. I feel like there is no extracurricular that suits me well." Fia: "Eli I suggest that you come to the counseling teacher. I think she would help you to find your extracurricular." Rana: "Yeah. Or would you join our extracurricular? We're joining English Club." Eli: "Oh, I haven't heard of it but it sounds interesting. I guess I'll meet the counseling teacher first before I decide and maybe later I will join your club. Thanks for your suggestion and offer, Rana! Fia!" Fia: "Any time, Eli!"

How to Live Healthy?


How to Protect Ourselves from Coronavirus?


e d u p a s s i o n

Hello guys! My friend, Anssa, and I made a vlog about SMA 3 Bandung's latest event, EDUPASSION! Click here  to watch the video. Enjoy!😆

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

by Robert Louis Stevenson Gabriel John Utterson and his cousin Richard Enfield reach the door of a large house on their weekly walk. Enfield tells Utterson that months ago he saw a sinister-looking man named Edward Hyde trample a young girl after accidentally bumping into her. Enfield forced Hyde to pay £100 to avoid a scandal. Hyde brought them to this door and provided a cheque signed by a reputable gentleman (later revealed to be Doctor Henry Jekyll, a friend and client of Utterson). Utterson is disturbed because Jekyll recently changed his will to make Hyde the sole beneficiary. Utterson fears that Hyde is blackmailing Jekyll. When Utterson tries to discuss Hyde with Jekyll, Jekyll turns pale and asks that Hyde be left alone. One night in October, a servant sees Hyde beat Sir Danvers Carew to death, another of Utterson's clients. The police contact Utterson, who leads officers to Hyde's apartment. Hyde has vanished, but they find half of a broken cane (the other ha