The Lion of the Desert

Umar ibn Al-Khattab

Umar ibn Al-Khattab ibn Nufayl ibn Abdul Uzza is one of Rasulullah Muhammad’s companions and the second caliph of Khulafa’ Ar-Rasyidin era.  He was also known as the Lion of the Desert, Abu Hafs or the Father of Hafshah, and Al-Faruq which means the one who distinguish between right and wrong. He was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 583 CE, thirteen years after Rasulullah’s birth.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab was very famous since he was young among the Meccan people for his bravery, power, and intelligence. At that time, he could write and read which are very rare for people to have these abilities. He was interested in poetry and history. He also excelled in many sports such as wrestling, riding, and horsemanship. He also engaged in trade and profited which made him one of Meccan rich men. He was also ever been an ambassador of the Quraish tribe.

Before he came into Islam, he opposed Islam and he even threatened to kill Rasulullah (pbuh). He was very prominent in persecuting Muslims. However, he decided to embrace Islam after reading the scripture of Quran Surah Taha from his younger sister and her husband. He was amazed by the glorious verses.

After he came into Islam, he became one of Rasulullah’s companions. All of his capabilities which he used to persecute Muslims, he then used it to support Islam at all costs. Islam grew stronger after Umar came.

After Rasulullah's and the first caliph of Khulafa' Ar-Rasyidin, Abu Bakar’s death, Umar got the responsibility to become the second caliph. In his era, Islam achieved many victories. Islam conquered one of the greatest power of the world, the Sassanid Persian Empire. The another greatest power, the Byzantine Empire also lost more than three fourths of their territory.

As a leader, he is very responsible to his people. He did patrol every night in Mecca. He also helped his people by his own hands when his people got troubles like when there was dry season, he served his people food and water. His people called him Amirul Mukminin or the Leader of Faithful People.

He also laid the principles of the structure of late Islamic Empire. ʿUmar established the diwan (a register of warriors’ pensions that over time evolved into a powerful governmental body), inaugurated the Islamic Hijriyah calendar, and created the office of the qadi (judge) or we can say, the court. He also established the garrison cities of Fustat in Egypt and Basra and Kufah in Iraq.

In 644 ʿUmar was attacked by a Persian slave named Abū Luʾluʾah and died from his wounds three days later. While he lay dying, ʿUmar appointed a six-man council that eventually selected Utsman bin Affan as his successor.

We can get so many inspiration from him. First, whatever your position in the public is, you’re still a human, the God’s creature. Everything we have is all from Him. We cannot be cocky of our abilities those God has given us, we should be responsible of them instead. We have to use our abilities to do good deeds—as the God has told us—such as helping people. Second, we have to be keen in praying according to our own religion and be grateful to God. Third, we shouldn’t be tired of learning so we can have a wide perspective, many capabilities, and knowledge.

1. Why is Umar famous?
2. How did Umar come into Islam?
3. What had Umar done when he was the khalifah?
4. Who kill Umar?
5. What inspiration can we take from Umar?


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