All About Me

Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Hello, guys!

My name is Andjani Paramita Darmawan. People usually call me Mita. I was born in Bandung, March 1, 2004. So, today I am fifteen.

My hobby is drawing, reading, and listening to music. I want to be a graphic designer and data scientist in the future. Now, I want to tell you about my .. life, I guess?

Even though I was born in Bandung, I mostly spent my childhood in Purwakarta. I spent my kindergarten days at TK/RA Miftahul Jannah and my first year of elementary school at SDIT Al-Bina. But then, I moved to Bandung.

I went to SD Darul Hikam for my second and third year. But later on, I went back to Purwakarta and spent my rest of elementary school years at SDIT Al-Bina again.

After I finished my elementary school, I enrolled to a boarding school in Subang, SMPIT As-Syifa. I spent my time 24/7 with all of my friends. I had friends from entire country and even abroad. I had a lot of sweet memories there.

After I graduated from As Syifa, I went back to Bandung. And now, I go to SMAN 3 Bandung to study everyday. I sit in X MIPA 5.

I think that is enough from me. Hope you guys can get to know me well. Thank you!

Wassalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.


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